We specialize in plumbing

Prompt & effective plumbing solutions

Our productivity is unmatched, enabling us to complete projects of any size with an expedited turnaround.

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About us

We excel in plumbing services!

At AA Super Rooter, we pride ourselves on being the name communities in and around Garland, TX turn to when it comes to plumbing problems. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, we have established a solid reputation based on trust, integrity and an unwavering commitment to excellence in customer service.

Our team of highly trained plumbers is dedicated to solving any plumbing challenges our customers may face. From small pipe repairs to full construction projects, we approach each task with precision, professionalism, and a solutions-oriented approach. We specialize in a wide range of services, including pipe repairs, drain cleaning, camera inspections, gas and water line replacement, as well as construction and remodeling projects.


Consultation and Evaluation

We begin each project with a detailed consultation to understand your needs. We conduct a thorough evaluation to identify the problem and determine the best solution.


Planning and Budgeting

We develop a detailed plan based on our evaluation. We provide a clear and transparent quote that includes all costs associated with the project, so you know exactly what to expect.


Professional Execution

Once we have your approval, our highly trained team goes into action. We use advanced techniques and specialized equipment to carry out the job efficiently and professionally, guaranteeing high quality results.

Inspection and Customer Satisfaction

After completing the job, we conduct a thorough inspection to make sure everything is in perfect condition. Your satisfaction is our priority, so we make sure you are completely satisfied with our work before completing the project.


Years Of Experience
0 +
Bilingual Team
Call Support
0 H
Miles Of Coverage
0 +

Why Choose Us?

At AA Super Rooter, we believe that we are not just a plumbing service; We are your trusted partners in problem solving, your guardians in emergency situations, and your builders of lasting solutions. Choosing us means opting for a worry-free plumbing experience, backed by decades of experience and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Working hard to ensure
Working diligently
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